#tagcoding digital skill and #xy2wiki capability for transformative change …

of the Public Sphere in any language and culture

Key online #tagcoding resources resulting from the #en2wiki capability

Contents of the #tagcodinghandbook (online)
Preface to the third edition; Preface to the second edition
1 Introduction
2 #tagcoding: why everyone should do it, and how
3 Pivotal points in the history of knowledge conversion
4 Tools for looking up tagcoding hashtags
5 Sustainable Development Goals
6 Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG)
7 International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC)
8 Central Product Classification (CPC)
9 Territorial Tags
10 Language codes

Why caring about language and culture?
Respecting communities in International Development: languages and cultural understanding (2018, Intrac for civil society)

Why #tagcoding in your native language?

Check 2.11 Knowledge localization in more languages, a chapter of the #tagcoding handbook.

Translating wikis, online tools and handbook, what does it involve?

If there is no translation of the #tagcoding handbook in your native language, and if you feel confident that you can dedicate several weeks, even months, in translating one of the current versions of the handbook, consider this:

  • there is a book to translate, Leanpub is the recommended platform, and Fair Glocal Publishing describes options regarding the sharing of royalties; the author of the original version will support you along the process such that your focus can be on the translation;
  • it is recommended that alongside the translation of the #handbook in any language, you also create at a mono-lingual xy2wiki in the language "xy" in which you wish to translate the handbook; currently such wikis are easily created on the wikidot.com wiki-farm. #tag2wiki teams provides more details on the skills you will need to create and edit such a wiki and the support Wikinetix can give you; The wiki should include all the online supports for finding the #tagcoding hashtag for several topic dimensions, as described in the handbook. Screenshots from the wiki will be used in the handbook.
  • Many figures in the #tagcoding handbook have been created using Archi, an Open Source ArchiMate Modelling tool; the (Archimate) model with all the figure "views" will be available for translation using Archi. We recommend that you install Archi on your personal computer and get somewhat acquainted with it.

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