10) Risks (often also referred to as “threats” or “vulnerabilities”) of non-compliance with the above values can be influenced by a number of risk factors. These include, but are not limited to:

a) political influence and external pressure from auditees or other parties;

b) personal interests;

c) inappropriate bias from previous judgements made by the SAI or SAI staff;

d) advocating the interests of auditees or other parties;

e) long or close relationships.

These risks can be either real or perceived.

11) Where risks are identified that threaten any of the five fundamental values, the significance of such threats is evaluated and appropriate controls (often also referred to as “safeguards”) need to be put in place to reduce the risk of unethical behaviour to an acceptable level. These controls can be put in place by legislation, regulation or a SAI.

INTOSAI ref. Code of Ethics(pdf) (ISSAI-P 30).
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