The #2030library responds to new trends in development and technology.
It must become an (internet-based) capability for all people (citizens), business, and government agencies (local authorities), to easily find and access printed or online content (both creative works and digital public goods) in their native, second or third language. This content will be of interest to their culture, recreation, learning or coping in a sustainable and inclusive manner with the livelihood challenges and opportunities they face.
In the creation of this capability, there is a role for:
- all librarians, as well as for library patrons and many other library stakeholders.
- providers of digital public goods
The figure below shows common resources, e.g. "Library collection", stakeholders, e.g. "Library patron", alongside the pursued capability and essential courses of action for creating it:
- #isic9101jk - the local public library journey, the local course of action to be implemented in all towns and all languages
- #isic910101 - appoint a librarian for each language (#isic910101xy) or in each town (#isic910101lgu)
- #isic910102 - enhance library services in each town
- #isic910103 - integrate the world's online collection in the local library

In the regulative cycle for the library operations we assume that digital products and services must support the courses of action.
If a product or service exists already, then it will be listed as a partner or collaborative system or service.
If a product or service doesn't exist yet (to our knowledge), then the functional requirements for it will be elaborated in #lib08 - Products and services.
A library patron's use case: The extent to which we, individually, as business, communities or nations, already live in a sustainable and inclusive manner is reflected in our scores for the indicators for the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.
With an online #2030library at our disposal, each of us should only need seconds to check our achieving of the targets in:
- our life and work,
- our industries, and
- the services and governance by our national and local governments.
We are not there yet, but a step in the direction are the #WWlgu pages of local governments with links to #opendata provided by Knoema.
A brief video explaining how to find the #WWlgu page for a town, city, state or province which includes the link to its open data.
Read more #DIY Do-it-yourself discovery via #tag guidelines.
- List down your municipality, county, state and country.
- Look up online statistical data at Knoema.
- Find the #WWlgu hashtag to use when sharing this data via social media.
- Find other open data that may be available from local government websites.
- Use the appropriate #WWlgu hashtag to share it.
- Share in the comment section of this page the #WWlgu hashtag and the geographical locations for which you have shared open data.
- Use this page's hashtag #lib01.