Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 19 - #udhr19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

"no one should be denied information because he or she cannot afford the cost of a book or periodical, have access to the internet or information in any of its various formats."

In their contribution to realizing these rights for all, it is one of the main tasks of a public library to provide the public with access to books and periodicals.

In the public #2030library which includes access to the internet, there are a number of options for realizing this right for people lacking the means of access:

condition of the patron service by the library
no access to internet the local public library offers the internet access
book or manifestation not available [the book is at the library] the patron borrows the book
[the book is at a nearby library] the patron borrows the book after it has been obtained via interlibrary loan
[the book is not at nearby library] the library acquires the book so it can lend it to the patron

Field name Description
Name Public lending services
Target user library patrons
Class (and Tier) Operational work area (OWA)
Interfaces lending menu via web browser
Services Look up and request of a library item, through its virtual or (nearest) physical location, depending on the condition of the item and the means for compensation that the library can spend, a procedure to acquire an online or paper copy of the item
Data library items, options for interlibrary loan and/or acquisition within the local to global #2030library constellation
Non-functional requirements The lending menu and option descriptions are offered in the local languages
Project Issues Compliance with Guidelines for Best Practice in Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (IFLA)

Template used: Application component template.
Read more: Book borrowing and lending (Wikipedia).