#pdf2wiki is about the conversion of several "important" pdf documents into information and affordance-centric pages and chapters of multilingual wikis.
In the #pdf2wiki process each article of a document receives:
- a unique wiki page that applies a wiki page template in order to make its content supportive to extended cognition;
- a #tagcoding hashtag to enable knowledge sharing, including questions and aswers, regarding its content.
A first #pdf2wiki project was the conversion of the Central Product Classification into the chapter #CPC #tagcoding hashtags of the Ens Dictionary.
See #isicWW hashtags for the wiki and ISIC, the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4 for the pdf.
The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) state the fundamental prerequisites for the orderly function and professional conduct of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and the fundamental principles in auditing of public entities.
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