A cross-initiative Stakeholder template.


During their lifetime, which technically is called a citizen journey, and is one kind of picojourney, citizens will make many choices and decisions regarding the consumption of services offered by government, in particular also local authorities, and firms.

The institutional structure of countries may offer citizens an opportunity to participate in the development of the local area through their involvement in preparation, execution, monitoring of development plans and programmes. They may also provide a platform to the citizens to directly interact with their elected representatives to ensure that their interests are effectively served and the public funds are properly spent.

The leave no one behind commitment implies that furthest behind populations should be consistently prioritized as beneficiaries of programming, especially in #2030EA and #2030Library initiatives. These populations may benefit directly from support, particularly in humanitarian contexts, or indirectly from “upstream” support designed to ultimately benefit the furthest behind. Although efficiencies should be sought, programming should not solely target the largest possible number of people, given the track record of improving “averages” without benefiting the furthest behind. Success should rather be determined by SDG progress that improves lives, particularly among the furthest behind.

If citizens are among the beneficiaries or intended consumers of a service then these are among the important non functional requirements:

See Guide for the common types of non-functional requirements.

#lib11 - Non-functional requirements (NFR) and #unds11 - Non-functional requirements (NFR) list non-functional requirements that are common to multiple stakeholders of service initiatives.

When citizens are among the intended beneficiaries or consumers of a service then the project issues include these:

See Guide for common types of project issues.

#lib12 - Project Issues and #unds12 - Project issues list project issues of service initiatives that are shared among multiple stakeholders.

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