#tag2wiki is a collaborative way to create multi-lingual community, company and personal wikis for development communications while sourcing content from #tagcoded contributions on the internet.
Ever since Wikipedia was created, wikis have become famous for their power in knowledge sharing.
Yet many languages are still underserved for what concerns #cpc843 - On-line content. That's why we created a distinct #tag2wiki hashtag for each language, simply by replacing "tag" in #tag2wiki by the language's ISO 639-1 or 639-2 code. For over 400 languages this code can be found at the language code page of the ens.wiki, a screen shot of which is depicted here:
This way one can construct hashtags such as #ach2wiki for Acoli, #ur2wiki for Urdu and #sd2wiki for Sindhi.
A wiki-farm such as Wikidot1 lowers the hurdles for communities to publish their own wiki in the local language.
Wikinetix wiki's add to this #tagcoding dimensions that support the sharing of knowledge and the comparability of narratives and journeys, such that learning, the matching of knowledge supply and demand, and the creation of (online) content in local languages is accelerated.
To join or start a first wiki, check these introductory chapters of the Wikidot Handbook:
To give you a head start Wikinetix can provide you with a template site to replicate (by using the Clone module). The #tag2wiki template wiki has pages for the common #tagcoding dimensions: sustainable development goals, economic activities, products and services, functions of government, local government units, and languages
Two basic templates are being prepared for replication:
- to support National follow up and review and 360° content curation for localizing sustainable development, check the NFUR wiki template that soon will be available for cloning.
- to support Voluntary Stakeholder Reporting - #2030VSR, a similar template will be available soon.
Next just "editing for beginners" will allow you to fill the wiki with local content, for instance a page for each municipality in your country, and you can develop knowledge services for your community (see also economic viability).