The #2030UNDS is capable to deliver the 2030 Agenda globally, as envisaged by Repositioning the UN development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda – Ensuring a Better Future for All - Report of the Secretary-General (July 2017).
It must become an (internet-enabled) capability for all stakeholders (especially government agencies (local authorities and UN agencies and their workers but also citizens) and businesses) to collaboratively plan and deliver sustainable development.
The figure below uses the "Need to Innovation model pattern" to summarize the UNDS gaps and recommendations for system-wide alignment (recommendations by the UN Secretary General).
The figure primarily shows gaps for current and future UNDS operations plateaus, and the recommendations.
In the regulative cycle for the UNSD operations we assume that information products and services must support the courses of action.
If a product or service exists already, then it will be listed as a partner or collaborative system or service.
If a product or service doesn't exist yet (to our knowledge), then the functional requirements for it will be elaborated in #unds08 - Products and services.